Working with cube aquarium tanks can be a challenge, but rewarding when completed. Being said, we wanted to try our hand at creating one continuous aquascape spanning across three of the smallest nano cube tanks, a triple threat. There were a few things we wanted to do. Have the scape flow together across all three tanks as a whole collection, but also, each tank can stand on its own as a separate, single planted aquarium. A total of three Ultum Nature Systems 16C 1 gallon cube tanks were used to create a full 3 gallon layout collective. This would be a great series of tanks and scapes for different Neocaridina and Caridina freshwater shrimp species or even as a safe haven for fry. We would recommend aquatic plants such as Anubias Nana Petite, Moss, and Marimo Moss along with smaller plants from our . Let's just say three is "not" a crowd in this case!
Modeled after three 1 gallon nano cube tanks.
Each of the Quick Scapes from this triple collection may be purchased individually by selecting the preferred look from the options menu.
UNS Rimless Cube Glass Aquarium Tank with black leveling mat
1L bag of Ultum Nature Systems Controsoil
Individual Quick Scape 036 Pacific Wood Nano and Ryuoh Stones of your choosing
Triple Quick Scape includes:
3x UNS Rimless Cube Glass Aquarium Tank with black leveling mat
3L bag of Ultum Nature Systems Controsoil
3x Quick Scape 036 Pacific Wood Nano and Ryuoh Stones
Glass Aqua Quick Scapes are what you see is what you get planted tank rock and wood hardscape layouts that are made ready for a variety of standard aquarium sizes.